Dear LTANT Members,
Welcome to Term 1 2023! We have some exciting things in store for the year and looking forward to learning together and sharing PD experiences with you.
This year our AGM will be held on 16th February 2023 at 4pm. All members are invited to join along, whether that be in person at the Darwin Languages Centre or via Zoom (Please use this link: LTANT AGM 2023). During our AGM, we plan to have a look at the year that was and also what we have in store for 2023.
During the AGM, nominations for the 2023 Committee will also take place, so attached to this email are the nomination forms. We are always looking for new faces on the committee, so that we have new ideas to best support our members. Thank you to those who submitted nomination forms at our conference in December.
Also as a reminder, LTANT Memberships expire on 28th February each year, so also attached to this email are both the Individual Membership forms and the Institutional Membership forms for 2023. Please fill these in and return to this email address: by the end of February.
Again, we look forward to working with you to support language learning in the NT in 2023. See you at the AGM.
Kind Regards,
Candice Slingerland
Language Teachers Association of the Northern Territory Address: PO Box 41518 Casuarina NT 0811 ABN: 39 353 032 684 Website: www.ltant.orgFacebook: